Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tim and Julian Hitchhike to Halifax Part 2

September 3rd 2002

So after getting home at 7:10am I am glad to see that I don't actualy start work till 1pm so I am able to get some sleep. I set my alarm clock for 11am that ways Julain and I both have time to get showered and shit before we have to be at work. I hit the sack and fall asleep for what seems like nanoseconds when Dan knocks on my door there is someone on the phone for me. I answer it very grogilly, it is my sister in law Joan, now I don't remember exactly how the conversation went, I do remember somethnig about me not spending enough time with my neice and nephew or talking to my brother as often as she thought I should and I remember ahnging up on her and turning off the phone to go back to sleep. But once again Dan and Charlene are fighting this time Julian gets invilved and eventually so do I. We all hate her even Dan and today is the straw the breaks the camels back and Dan boots her to the curb. We decide that tonight being a Monday we are going to hit the Bistro in Hull say hi to vince chill with Kev and the rest of the crowd and celebrate our good fortune that a)I am 23 years old and b) Charlene is out of our lives.

Julain and I make it to work on time and get dressed in our shirts and ties. We both clock in and hit the phones. Our job consists of both lead generation and then getting the leads in for open houses and trying to get them to buy a membership to our exclusive club, it was a great position and i enjoyed it immensely. Julian and I Had only been at the Job for roughly 2 weeks but we both really liked it. My sister inlaw decided that she was going to put my job in jeopardy by calling me at work and being rude to the receptionist when she said she was unable to transfer her to me(she just worked in a different department it was not possible) My boss gave me a bit of a reaming but it was understandable had I been in his position I would have done the same(none the less I was still really pissed at my sister in law). My day continued Rather uneventfully. It came time to do our open houses for the evening and none of mine decided to show up, my boss was a little upset and decided to hand me one of his deals to close. It should have been an open shut deal but i screwed it up and cost my boss $2600. Needless to say he was pissed and I was pretty sure that i no longer had a job.

Work was finished, and Julain and I headed home to comence with the celebrating, I was getting a little pissed at the fact that my sister had called me twice in one day and both times it was to bitch at me and neither of them did she wish me a happy birthday. We got home showered and headed to the bar. Julain had made the mistake of telling his Girlfreind Melinda the story of me and the girl from the night before(I'm sorry if you read this sometime and are pissed that I don't remember your name but such is life sorry) I was taling to a girl that I had been interested in for some time, she was a friend of a friend and for the first time I had the guts to actually start hitting on her and making advances. Melinda(Julian's girlfriend and her roomate Ang) decide that they are going to give me my birthday gift its a nice homemade card that says on the front. You Had SEX!!! I open the card and inside in big bold letters "WITH A GIRL", I look beside me and the girl I was talking to is nowhere to be seen, I contemplate stabbing myself in the neck with a pencil or trying to slash my own throat with a dull spoon.

The night wears down to an end and Julain and I start walking home Dan had left earlier so he wa not able to give us a ride. On the walk home Julian and I discuss whether or not I will have a job tomorrow when we get to work, the conclusion we both come to is porbably not. It is no longer my Birtday and I regard it as quite possibly the worst birthday I have ever had quite possibly one of the worst days I have ever experienced and I conciously just decide that I want this day to be over thank god I am on my way home I can sleep.

but just my luck this day is not through with me yet.

To Be Continued.....

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